Artificial Intelligence

Best of Both Worlds: AI Dubbing with Real Voice Talents

Dubformer’s lab has developed a pioneering in-house solution for emotional video dubs, while creating new jobs for the transforming AI landscape. When real actors are involved in the production, AI dubbing gets induced with real emotions and sounds completely natural.

Dubformer’s AI technology captures authentic emotions and the charisma of characters, bringing directorial ideas to life and ensuring seamless content that keeps audiences engaged.

Furthermore, the team integrates advanced technologies, including mixing and lip-synching, coupled with rigorous double quality control by human experts. This complex process ensures that the results meet the high standards of demanding audiences worldwide.

The AI-powered dubbing process is efficient and scalable, leading to up to 60% cost reduction and up to 70% faster turnarounds than with traditional alternatives. Another advantage is that the content volumes are not limited, which allows business partners to scale localisation fast.

Unlike early solutions that only showed good results for technical voice-over, Dubformer’s hybrid approach excels in all forms of entertainment requiring emotions and nuanced tones: TV series, dramas, animated films, and more.

Whether aiming for TV, YouTube, or FAST launches, content producers and distributors are already integrating AI Dubbing into their workflows.

In the words of Bernd Vendeln, COO at YFE, “The Dubformer team did a great job in their work and managed to capture the peculiar humor and tone of the show with AI. This is a great achievement and we are very happy with the results.”

Place your order in June for a special price, from $15 per minute, varying based on the language pair.