All posts by Chris Tribbey

Court Rules Pirate Bay Blocks Ineffective, Allowing Dutch ISPs to Lift Bans (Tech Spot)

There are other Dutch Internet providers that weren't subject to the appeal at hand, that are reported to still have the ban in place, but many suggest that it is only a matter of ... More

SOPA Two Years Later: Fight Over Internet Legislation Left ‘Lasting Legacy’ (NBC News)

Two years after the anti-piracy bill SOPA sparked protests from activists concerned about Internet freedom, issues around what can be done to limit activity online continue to rage... More

A Sneaky Path Into Target Consumers’ Wallets (New York Times)

For months, an amorphous group of Eastern European hackers had been poking around the networks of major American retailers, searching for loose portals that would take them deep in... More

Android VPN Vulnerability Exposes Secure Data (Threat Post)

A vulnerability in the Android mobile operating system could allow hackers to write applications that would bypass a secure virtual private network connection and redirect traffic ... More

Risk and Responsibility in a Hyper-Connected World: Implications for Enterprises (McKinsey & Co.)

For the world’s economy to get full value from technological innovation, it must have a robust, coordinated approach to cybersecurity. A new report from the World Economic Forum ... More

Google Pulls Browser Extensions After Complaints (USA Today)

Google pulled two extensions that were available for its popular Chrome web browser after complaints about the software showing unwanted ads. The extensions, Add to Feedly and Twe... More

IP Address Does Not Prove Online Piracy, U.S. Judge Says in Landmark Ruling (RT)

A U.S. federal judge in Washington wrote that a suspected internet pirate should not be prosecuted solely because his computer's IP address was identified by a film studio. The lan... More

The Chameleon VAR: Adapting to the Changing Security Delivery Terrain (NSS Labs)

If I told you there was a business model that would sell more of your product, generate monthly recurring revenue, and increase customer loyalty, what would you say? Would I be lab... More

Target Confirms Malware Used on Point-of-Sale Terminals (CNET)

Hackers infected Target's point-of-sale terminals with malware to steal the payment card information from millions of customers, the retailer's chief executive has confirmed. The ... More

L.A. is Actively Seeking Cyber Security Experts (CBS Los Angeles)

As the public-at-large continues to become more subservient to advancing technology, its susceptibility to social media fraud and corporate security breaches has become burdensome.... More

Researchers Find Best Time for Hackers to Strike (Digital Trends)

For hackers, timing is key. At least that’s according to a group of University of Michigan based researchers that authored a paper on hacking and how timing could factor into the... More

The Next Data Privacy Battle May Be Waged Inside Your Car (New York Times)

Cars are becoming smarter than ever, with global positioning systems, Internet connections, data recorders and high-definition cameras. Drivers can barely make a left turn, put on ... More

Federal Agents Descend on Google Glass Wearer in Movie Theater (Ad Week)

Federal agents interrogated a Google Glass enthusiast for wearing his computerized eyewear in a movie theater, according to reports. The Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Imm... More

Yahoo Says Malware Attack Farther Reaching Than Thought (CNET)

Yahoo has provided more information on an ad-related malware attack first reported a week ago that may have affected more than 2 million PCs and put Yahoo users' personal data in j... More

Congress Needs to Get Serious About Cyber Security (Washington Post)

Tens of millions of Americans were recently exposed to a rude shock: theft of their credit card numbers, names and, in some cases, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. They were sim... More

Cyber Security Startup Aorato Exits Stealth With A ‘Behavior Firewall,’ $10M In Funding (Tech Crunch)

Make way for another startup in the area of cybersecurity: Aorato, which has developed a behavior-monitoring firewall for Microsoft Active Directory services, is coming out of stea... More

Is Your Refrigerator Really Part of a Massive Spam-Sending Botnet? (Arts Technica)

Security researchers have published a report that Ars is having a tough time swallowing, despite considerable effort chewing—a botnet of more than 100,000 smart TVs, home network... More

Java ‘Icefog’ Malware Variant Infects U.S. Businesses (Information Week)

Beware Java-based malware that's been used to exploit at least three US-based organizations. That warning of a new advanced persistent threat (APT) attack campaign came via Kasper... More

Starbucks App Stores User Information, Passwords in Clear Text (Threat Post)

A vulnerability in Starbucks’ mobile app could be putting coffee drinkers’ information–including their usernames, email addresses and passwords–at risk. The problem stems ... More