All posts by Jeff Berman

IDEO Designer: Thinking Like a Designer Can Help Media, Tech Companies

Amid the ongoing, revolutionary changes that are being seen in the media and technology sectors, it would be in the best interest of those who work in those industries to start thi... More

Girls’ Lounge CEO: Collaboration’s the Key to Business Success, Gender Equality

Collaboration is the key to success in the technology industry and other business sectors, as well as to achieving true gender equality, Shelley Zalis, CEO and founder of The Girls... More

Dolby CFO: Company Sees Growing Opportunity for it in Mobile Sector

Dolby Laboratories sees a “very good opportunity” for it in the mobile space, CFO Lewis Chew said at the B. Riley & Co. Investor Conference in Los Angeles May 25. Use of th... More

Verizon CEO: There’s ‘Pent-Up Demand’ for VR

There’s “pent-up demand” around virtual reality (VR), Verizon Communications CEO Lowell McAdam said during a May 24 keynote presentation at the J.P. Morgan Global Technology,... More

Comcast CFO: Strong Film Franchises, Olympics, X1 Key Company Drivers

Strong film franchises, NBC Universal’s broadcasting of the upcoming Summer Olympics, and continued strength of Comcast Cable’s X1 interactive TV platform are among the key rea... More

VR Expected to Have a Strong Presence at E3

Virtual reality (VR) is expected to be among the main stories on both the hardware and software fronts at the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) June 14-16 in Los Angeles, v... More

CBS CEO: Network TV’s ‘Never Been Stronger’

The supposed death of broadcast TV was premature and network TV has “never been stronger,” CBS CEO Les Moonves told the Needham Emerging Technology Conference in New York on Ma... More

Digimarc CEO Eyes Huge ‘Addressable Market’

There is a huge “addressable market” for the Digimarc Discover platform, company CEO Bruce Davis told the Needham Emerging Technology Conference in New York May 19. He pointed ... More

CEO: Comcast Still Searching for Profitable OTT Option

The impact of over-the-top (OTT) services, including the “skinny” bundles offered by a growing number of companies, was among the main subjects discussed by media executives at... More

INTX: ‘Skinny,’ Similar Bundles to Be Main Disruptor, Says Vubiquity CEO

“The biggest disruption in the next 12 months” for the media industry will continue to be the “skinny, fat” and other TV station bundles that we’ve seen proliferate over ... More

INTX: Mediamorph Projects Growth for Programmatic Content; NCTA Criticizes FCC

The “explosive growth” seen in programmatic advertising last year will be paired this year with growth in programmatic content, with studios selling, merchandising and pricing ... More

Google’s Kassardjian: Cord-Cutting Among Trends ‘Revolutionizing’ Video Delivery

Cord-cutting is among the key trends that are “revolutionizing” the video content delivery sector, along with the growth of streaming subscription services, Serge Kassardjian, ... More

Disney Decision to Drop ‘Infinity’ Makes Sense, Analysts Say

By Jeff Berman Disney’s decision to cancel its “Infinity” video game series and exit the video game publishing business completely was a wise one, analysts said May 12. ... More

Studios Mostly Upbeat on OTT

During their latest round of quarterly earnings calls, studio executives offered a mostly positive take on over-the-top (OTT) services, with Disney CEO Bob Iger offering the most r... More