All posts by Jeff Hyatt

Garcia Joins FilmTrack as SVP of Professional Services & Customer Engagement

By Lyndsey Schaefer Industry veteran Theodore X. Garcia has recently joined FilmTrack as Senior Vice President of Professional Services and Customer Engagement, where he will work... More

Amazon Instant Lands on Samsung Smart TVs (IPTV News)

Samsung has given its Smart TV ambitions in North America a boost by bringing the Amazon Instant Video service to its 2012 range of Smart TVs, offering access to over 140,000 movie... More

Reading The Netflix Tea Leaves

By Paul Sweeting Peter Kafka at AllThingsD had an interesting read on Netflix's third-quarter results released yesterday. According to Kafka's interpretation of what Netflix CEO Re... More

UltraViolet Marches Onward, But Can it Succeed?

By Chuck Parker While the last official news from the UltraViolet website is from August 15th of this year, there was aninteresting panel last week and some interesting support... More

Pace of Technology Change Leaves Some Dealmakers Gun-Shy

The accelerating growth in the number of devices capable of accessing and displaying professional video content is having the paradoxical effect of slowing down routine dealmaking ... More

CDSA Founder Larry Finley Inducted in the CE Hall of Fame

At a gala dinner last night in San Francisco, CDSA founder Larry Finley was posthumously inducted into the prestigious Consumer Electronics Hall of Fame. Finley was among an induct... More

Long Live Disc

By Martin Porter I confess.  I haven't been thinking a lot about discs lately.  I'm been obsessed with Boardwalk Empire (HBO Go), and working my way through massive TV epics like... More

Fox Touts Global Digital Growth in Wake of ‘Prometheus’ Success

LOS ANGELES -- Twentieth Century Fox New Media and Digital Distribution President Peter Levinsohn made a bullish case for the impact of global digital revenue on studios' bottom li... More

DIY Publishing

The publishing business is developing quite an active do-it-yourself niche. While self-published monographs and vanity presses have been around for centuries, digital technology is... More

Google Wins One Too Late In Book-Scanning Case

Seven years after it started, Google last week finally settled the copyright infringement lawsuit brought against it by the Association of American Publishers over Google Books, th... More

Where Social TV Is Going Wrong, And Hot To Get it Right (AdAge)

The biggest reason Twitter has the most of the social-TV market among consumers is that it's the easiest way to have meaningful shared experiences around TV...... More

Studios Gaining the Upper Hand in Subscription VOD

Having been fooled once by Netflix, the studios seem determined not to let it happen again with subscription on-demand streaming. According to a Reuters report Epix's recent subsc... More

Cable Prices Are Too Damn High, Or Not

What's going on over at Bernstein Research? On Monday Bernstein analyst Craig Moffett put out a report saying programming costs for cable and satellite providers had reach unsustai... More

Barnes & Noble’s ‘Newco’ Gets a New Name

The joint venture between Barnes & Noble and Microsoft has been christened Nook Media, LLC, the companies announced Thursday. The venture, originally dubbed Newco, was followi... More

2nd Screen Society’s Subcommittee Aims to Simplify Second Screen Ad Campaigns

In understanding its impact and potential in the marketing industry, the 2nd Screen Society has developed a new Advertising Subcommittee to forge collaborations between advertisers... More

Google Fiber Reiterates Sports Snags to FCC (Variety)

The Internet behemoth has sent a second filing to the FCC reiterating the "difficulty" it has encountered reaching a deal that would give viewers access to regional sports networks... More

Pay-TV In a Box

Bloomberg reported yesterday that Dish Network is in talks with Viacom, Univision and Scripps about offering their channels over the Internet. The real story of those talks, howeve... More

An Over-The-Top Milestone

The over-the-top video phenomenon has reached an important symbolic milestone. According to a new report by NPD Group, the number of Americans who say the TV is their primary scree... More

For Device Makers, Services After Sale Are Now Key

Once upon a time hardware makers could introduce a new device, give it an operating system and a few basic applications, and leave it to others to provide the content and services ... More