Artificial Intelligence


Survey: 92% of Programmers are Using AI Tools (ZDNet)

Developers say AI coding tools help them meet existing performance standards with improved code quality, faster outputs, and fewer production-level incidents. It's also all about s... More

The Economic Potential of Generative AI: The Next Productivity Frontier (McKinsey Digital)

Generative AI is poised to unleash the next wave of productivity. We take a first look at where business value could accrue and the potential impacts on the workforce.... More

BBFC Announces Collaboration With Amazon Web Services on AI Project

The British Board of Film Classification announced the first phase of its development project to explore the power of AI solutions in content classification. Driven by the BBFC’s... More

AI Creates ‘Final Beatles Song’: What Does It Mean For the Future of Music? (Forbes)

Humans are the only creatures that make music purely for the enjoyment of those listening – but now computers want to get in on the act. We have just learned that Sir Paul McCart... More

The Future of Generative AI Beyond ChatGPT (Forbes)

Generative tools like ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion have got everyone talking about artificial intelligence – but where is it headed next?... More

CEOs Cite AI as the Top Disruptive Technology (AIM)

Gartner’s recent survey of CEOs and senior executives revealed that AI was the top technology that CEOs believe will significantly impact their industry over the next three years... More

Generative AI Revenues Projected to Reach $36B by 2028 (CFO Dive)

Revenues of generative artificial intelligence offerings across a broad range of categories are forecast to reach $3.7 billion this year and expand to $36 billion by 2028, accordin... More

SAP Labs Singapore Expands Local AI Talent Pool With 200 New Roles

SAP Labs Singapore announced its intention to invest in hiring and development of approximately 200 AI engineers to become a key AI Hub and centre of excellence for the company glo... More

New Meta AI Music Tool Is Trained on 10,000 Hours of ‘Licensed Music’ (Decrypt)

Meta has unveiled MusicGen, a new music-generating tool that can turn text prompts into audio recordings using AI. MusicGen was trained using 20,000 hours of music, according to th... More

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