Cyber Security


Average Breach Falls Below Cyber Insurance Policy Deductible, Study Shows (Dark Reading)

A vast majority of breaches fall below cyber insurance policy deductibles, according to a new study conducted by insurance information and analytics company Advisen and commissione... More

Cloud Security Fundamentals (Information Security Buzz)

There are a lot of security myths about cloud security needed to be clarified. One is that a lot of people think that as soon as they give something to the cloud, they do not have ... More

Why Sensible Criminals Choose Cybercrime (Prospect Magazine)

This week the former Head of MI5, Jonathan Evans, claimed that cybercrime constituted “the biggest and likeliest threat” to the British economy. Speaking at a Prospect event ... More

Presidential Candidates Get Graded On Their Cybersecurity Stances (Dark Reading)

Cybersecurity is not exactly a top-of-the-mind item on the agenda of the remaining candidates in the US presidential elections. But cybersecurity has indeed become a hot policy top... More

Combating the Cyber Security Job Crunch (Tech Crunch)

There is a looming crisis in information security that will necessitate that businesses change how they manage their security efforts. While there will always be new attacks and m... More

It’s 2016, so Why is the World Still Falling for Office Macro Malware? (Ars Technica)

In the late 1990s, Microsoft Office macros were a favorite vehicle for surreptitiously installing malware on the computers of unsuspecting targets. Microsoft eventually disabled th... More

Businesses are Still Scared of Reporting Cyber Attacks to the Police (ZD Net)

Under a third of cyberattacks against businesses are reported to the police, suggesting that organisations are underestimating the threat posed by hackers and cybercrime, a new stu... More

Announcing Automated On-Boarding for New Users of MediaSeal Security (Fortium)

New users of MediaSeal can now securely on-board themselves making it easier and quicker to get set up without the need for support. MediaSeal file encryption at-rest secures file... More

Seven Attack Trends Making Security Pros Sweat (Dark Reading)

This week's RSA Conference has given the security industry a good excuse to take time for some introspection and examine the breaches and attack trends that have plagued it most in... More

Content Protection Summit Keynote: Fiction Meeting Reality in Cyber Warfare (CDSA)

The military is looking to the storytellers of Hollywood, video games and fiction for clues about the future of war, security and geopolitics, according to futurist and best-sellin... More

Six Observations About Cybersecurity Based On Two New Surveys (Forbes)

Cybersecurity incidents and attacks have become almost daily news, and two new surveys give voice to the executives and cybersecurity professionals struggling to defend their organ... More

2015 State of Cybercrime: Enterprise Fight is Stuck in Stall (CSO Online)

The year of cybercrime since our most recent US State of Cybercrime Survey has been nothing less than stunning. There were the Home Depot and JP Morgan Chase data breaches, the Son... More

PwC Cybersecurity Report Finds Promise, Flaws in Cyber Attack Readiness (CDSA)

By Chris Tribbey The threat of cyber attacks has never been more on the minds of executives of American businesses, according to a new report from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Bu... More

Report: NSA Not Only Creates, But Also Hijacks, Malware (PC World)

In addition to having its own arsenal of digital weapons, the U.S. National Security Agency reportedly hijacks and repurposes third-party malware. The NSA is using its network of ... More

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