CDSA Exclusive


HITS 2024: MovieLabs Teams With TPN to Measure Supply Chain Security Preparedness

The Trusted Partner Network (TPN) teamed up with MovieLabs to bring Zero Trust and Common Security Architecture for Production (CSAP) to their global assessment programs to measure... More

Indee: Protecting Content with Security-Native Streaming APIs

Digital piracy and illegal streaming services are costing the U.S. economy about $30 billion each year in lost revenue and siphoning as many as 250,000 jobs, Bloomberg reported rec... More

CDSA: The Need to Develop Common Best Practice for Production Identity

The importance of developing best practice for production identity in the media and entertainment industry was highlighted by the Content Delivery & Security Association (CDSA)... More

CDSA’s ‘Creative-in-Residence’ Explores AI, Other New Technologies

Industry luminary Jerry Rees returned to the Content Protection Summit (CPS) @ NAB 2024 in Las Vegas on April 13 to explore how artificial intelligence (AI) is being used in the me... More

SecureTheVillage Teams With FBI, DFPI to Explore AI, Other Cyber Threats

Cybersecurity crimes remain a major challenge for media and entertainment (M&E) organizations and companies in other industries, especially the financial sector, according to S... More

HITS Spring: Box, Flawless Keynotes to Highlight AI Opportunities

The opening and closing keynotes of the day May 22 at the Hollywood Innovation & Transformation Summit (HITS) will tackle the challenges and opportunities in two different areas of... More

Wasabi: Future-Proof Your Company’s Defense to Avoid Being in the Headlines

When it comes to data breaches, the question is no longer if they will happen but when they will happen, according to Wasabi. (more…)... More

CPS@NAB: Google Cloud’s Scales Hypes GenAI

LAS VEGAS — If there was a dominate buzz word at NAB 2024 it was GenAI. And according to Toby Scales, media and entertainment lead, office of the CISO for Google Cloud, there’s... More

CPS@NAB: CDSA’s AI Working Group Takes the Stage

At the April 13 Content Protection Summit, being held in Las Vegas during the NAB Show, attendees will hear an update on one of the Content Delivery & Security Association’s (CDS... More

M&E Journal: Cybersecurity and Content Protection: This is a Serious Issue!

The Kitchen International is extremely active within the area of cybersecurity and content protection, from receiving of clients’ assets, to completion and delivery. The Kitch... More

Fortinet CPS Keynote to Discuss AI, Automation Integration and Security

At the April 13 Content Protection Summit, being held in Las Vegas during the NAB Show, Michael Smiley, solutions architect for Fortinet, will deliver the security keynote of the d... More

Google Talks GenAI Attack Vectors at April 13 CPS@NAB

Toby Scales, media and entertainment lead at Google Cloud’s office of the CISO Google Cloud, will discuss the top attack vectors for Generative AI during a presentation at the Ap... More

Content Protection Industry Preps for April 13 CPS at NAB

The top security and asset protection minds in the industry — and the community of the Content Delivery & Security Association (CDSA) — will gather in Las Vegas April 13 in the... More

M&E Journal: Securing Entertainment’s Emerging Tech Stack

The media and entertainment industry has undergone massive changes over the past three years. The global pandemic upended legacy production methods and mainstreamed digital tools t... More

M&E Journal: Protecting the Content Supply Chain

The content supply chain involves creating, managing, and distributing digital content across various platforms and channels. Content can include documents, images, videos, aud... More

M&E Journal: Creating Secure Content In an Evolving Landscape

Amidst a dynamic and ever-changing landscape, the media and entertainment industry is experiencing significant transformation. This shift is primarily driven by the profound im... More

M&E Journal: AI and Security Converge

“AI and Security Converge” is not just the theme of the Content Delivery & Security Association’s (CDSA) Content Protection Summit. Artificial intelligence is also increa... More

Turning to Community in Times of Crisis

Whether you’re down to scraping the muck at the bottom of the barrel — because you may have already scraped the bottom of the barrel mid-year — or you’re off to the races a... More

M&E Journal: What We Need for Better Security in M&E

We are at least now preaching to a converted audience. Gone are the days when security was an afterthought or was not a line item in the annual budget. It helps that a key driv... More

M&E Journal: The State of M&E Security

MESA spoke with several leaders in the content protection and cybersecurity space, asking for their thoughts on the pressing security needs of a streaming-first world, the impact A... More

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