CDSA News Headlines


The California Bill to Undermine Smartphone Encryption Actually Got Worse (EFF)

State lawmakers recently introduced some misguided changes to California’s Assembly Bill 1681, which would require that manufacturers and operating system providers be able to de... More

Forget Apple vs. FBI: WhatsApp Just Switched on Encryption for a Billion People (Wired)

For most of the past six weeks, the biggest story out of Silicon Valley was Apple’s battle with the FBI over a federal order to unlock the iPhone of a mass shooter. The company�... More

Sony Breach Settlement: A Good Deal? (Bank Info Security)

A court has approved the settlement of a class-action lawsuit filed against Sony Pictures Entertainment on behalf of current and former employees in the wake of the company's massi... More

Copyright Group Likens Massive DMCA Abuse Protests to ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ (TorrentFreak)

In recent years there have been a lot of complaints about the current state of the DMCA takedown process. To hear the growing concerns from all sides, the U.S. Copyright Office ... More

5 Ways Cyber Experts Think the FBI Might Have Hacked the San Bernardino iPhone (IEEE Spectrum)

The FBI announced that it had, with the help of a third party, successfully broken into the passcode-protected iPhone 5C owned by San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook. It’s not cle... More

DDoS Attacks Now a Threat to Interior Network Applications (NSS Labs)

NSS Labs recently released its distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) prevention solutions Security Value Map (SVM) and Comparative Report series, evaluating six leading DDoS prevent... More

Weekend Vulnerability and Patch Report, April 10, 2016 (Citadel Information Group)

Important Security Updates Adobe Flash Player: Adobe has released version to fix at least 24 vulnerabilities. Updates are available from Adobe’s website. Updates ar... More

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