Eluvio’s Munson Highlights FAST Distribution at ITS: Automation

At the 15 September ITS: Automation event, being held during IBC at the W Amsterdam, Eluvio CEO and founder Michelle Munson will tackle one of the bigger industry stories of 2023: the explosive growth of free-and-ad-supported content channels (FAST).

Her presentation — “Automated Distribution for FAST Channels and Live Video” — will examine how content publishers are searching for ways to rise above the “noise floor” of traditional ad insertion with superior engagement and returns, and to find the way out from under the expensive and complex pipelines of media clouds and content distribution networks (CDNs) that have trapped the industry for the last decade or more.

Munson will demonstrate the Eluvio Content Fabric, a decentralised and open architecture content streaming, distribution, and blockchain security protocol implemented for the third-generation internet. Unlike legacy CDNs and media clouds, it allows all forms of media including premium live and on demand video to be published once and re-distributed without limit, with speed and low latency, simplicity, just-in-time personalisation at scale, hyper efficiency and cost savings, and transparent / tamper-free. The functions of a legacy CDN, media cloud and DRM/rights authorisation service are replaced by one slim and modern protocol.

This inaugural ITS: Automation event, produced by MESA and sponsored by Amazon Studios Technology, Fabric, Eluvio, EIDR, and HAND (Human & Digital), will run from 3-6 p.m. and examines the role automation is playing in workflows, metadata, cloud operations, and even how we license, track, and monetize our talent.

To register for the event, click here.

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