

The Rise of Subscription Billing in Software and Digital Services (IA)

Software-as-a-service has already established itself as a prominent business model for tech vendors in practically every industry, offering an alternative to on-premise software fo... More

How CIOs, CFOs Can Better Manage IT Spending Together (eWeek)

As IT gets away from being a cost center and becomes a creator of competitive market advantage, it’s more important than ever that CIOs and CFOs get along with each other and dir... More

Top 11 MBA Programs for IT Leaders (IW)

Most CIOs spend their entire careers working in IT. As a result, many understand technology very well but are less familiar with the bigger picture of how the business operates. Ho... More

Digital Transformation Spending to Soar Past $1T in 2018 (Supply Chain Digital)

Worldwide spending on the technologies and services that enable the digital transformation of business practices, products, and organisations is forecast to be more than $1.1 trill... More

Cisco’s Journey to Digital Transformation (Chief Marketer)

Cisco is in the middle of a digital transformation, and that means morphing into a customer centric organization. “It’s no longer digital marketing, it’s marketing in a digit... More

How Digital Transformation is Fostering a Stronger CFO/CIO Relationship (IA)

In today’s business environment, investments in the right technology can help businesses increase operational efficiency, improve their customer experience and stay ahead of thei... More

IT Budget Increases in 2018 Driven by 5G Ambitions (CBR)

Over three quarters of companies and business across the EU have implemented budget increases for their IT and technology departments in 2018, a new report from Toshiba that survey... More

For Digital Transformation, CFOs are Loosening the Purse Strings (ZDNet)

One of the common complaints from IT executives is how difficult it is to get funding for innovative technology projects. But the desire to digitally transform businesses for compe... More

SAP Unveils New Pricing Model (HITS)

Driven by unprecedented collaboration with user groups, customers, partners and industry analysts, SAP today announced a new sales, audit and pricing model for its Digital Access l... More

SAP Concur Provides Real-Time Visibility, Spend Control with New Budget Solution (HITS)

To help budget owners effectively manage resources and make better decisions, SAP Concur has announced Budget, a new solution that makes budget data visible, near real time, and ac... More

Companies Ready to Spend on IT Hardware Again (NW)

In-house IT hardware spending has been on hold thanks to executives flip-flopping on whether to move to cloud computing. It hasn't been because they've actually shifted to cloud se... More

IT Budgets: Prioritize Security, Relocate Technical Staff, Avoid Digitizing Silos (ZDNet)

IT has historically been perceived as a "back-office, administrative resource", according to technology analyst firm Gartner, but today it's considered a significant strategic reso... More

Tech Companies Spend More on R&D than Any Other Companies in the U.S. (Recode)

Tech companies lead top U.S. companies in R&D spending. That’s notable because spending on research and development is a key indicator for U.S. productivity, a measure of how wel... More

20 Months In, Microsoft Ventures Shows Promise (Venture Beat)

There’s a new Microsoft in town, and the company has spent the past and a half year embedding itself into the worldwide venture capital ecosystem. It’s a move that’s supposed... More

Maximizing Existing IT Investments, Digitization Via (Capping IT Off)

Utilities want to go digital to expand the breadth and quality of their digital customer experience initiatives. This require them to re-engineer and transform the business process... More

A Key to Digital Transformation? Unified Finance and HR Functions (Forbes)

If thriving as a digital business means having the insights to put the right resources to work on the right projects at the right time—and having the flexibility to adapt to chan... More

IoT, Automation Projects Drive Rise in IT Spending (Information Management)

Worldwide IT spending will rise to $3.5 trillion in 2017, a 2.4 percent increase from 2016, according to industry researcher Gartner. "Digital business is having a profound effe... More

Study: IT Hiring Slows, but Not for Data, Security Professionals (IM)

Another jobs report has confirmed a trend recently identified for information technology and data science – IT departments are slowing their growth, but there are plenty of oppor... More

Budgeting is a Big Constraint in Digital Transformation (Forbes)

Digital transformation doesn’t come without investment or without costs, and it takes time to deliver on the promise. But funding for digital transformation journeys is particula... More

Don’t Worry CIOs: You Still Control Tech Spending (CIO)

CIOs still control the purse strings for most corporate IT, owing to the complexity of broad technology implementations. But other business executives play an ever-larger role in a... More

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