

The NBA Is Wisely Opening Up Its SportVU Data To Fans And Media Outlets (SportTechie)

The growth and influence of statistical match analysis has shaped huge portions of high level sport in recent times, with basketball being no exception. The NBA’s running partner... More

Spotify Buys Cord Project And Soundwave To Expand Messaging, Social Features (TechCrunch)

The reason this is interesting for Spotify is that it could help the service be more of a platform for its 75 million users. As we wrote last week when Spotify announced a deal wit... More

Tech Partnership Looks Beyond the Bar Code With Digital Watermarks (WSJ)

Digimarc Corp. , a company that creates invisible digital identifiers for everything from driver's licenses and bank notes to movies, is teaming up with GS1, which pioneered use of... More

Ad Blocking Threat Is Real, But Publishers Aren’t Panicking (WSJ)

Ad blocking is certainly a daunting issue for Web publishers, but it may not be the end of the world as many had feared, particularly on mobile devices. Last year, Apple decided to... More

How TV (And Video) Influences Search Behavior (SEL)

Consumers don’t know how to be entertained by only one thing at a time anymore. We’re constant consumers of content, and that’s made it harder for marketers and advertisers. ... More

Spotify And Genius Team To Stream The Backstory On Music Tracks (TechCrunch)

Spotify, the popular music streaming app with 75 million users, wants to ramp up its profile as a platform for more than just music listening. And to that end, it has linked up wit... More

Customer-Tracking Technology Can Work Without Being Creepy (Harvard Business Review)

Smart tracking devices are proliferating rapidly. They are already in our theme parks, our homes, and our cars. And they are coming soon to more sophisticated domains, such as heal... More

Major Piracy Group Warns Games May Be Crack-Proof in Two Years (Ars Technica)

In the never-ending battle between pirates and game makers, it often seems like the pirates have the upper hand, releasing DRM-breaking cracks within hours or days of a game's offi... More

How Fox’s “The Martian VR Experience” Became Hollywood’s Most Ambitious VR Experiment (Fast Company)

If you’re in the middle of creating what could well be Hollywood’s most ambitious consumer virtual reality project yet, you’d think having a concrete plan for how to get from... More

IBM’s Watson Wants to Be Your Next Fitness Coach (Re/code)

IBM wants its thinking supercomputer Watson to help you get in shape. In a speech at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty — the first I... More

How Personalization Made Email Marketing Cool Again (DMB)

Sophisticated technology has helped email marketing evolve by giving more people access to email in a multitude of places at any time of day. Think about your first email experienc... More

Snickers Mines Behavioral Data to Find ‘Windows of Impulsivity’ (Digiday)

Ad targeting is moving into a new area: moods. Snickers maker Mars is mining behavioral data to pinpoint people at their weakest moments for snacking: being happy, bored or even st... More

Partnerships And Interoperability Matter Most In Cloud-Mobile World (TechCrunch)

Once upon a time, companies built huge proprietary systems to track their customer information, content, accounting, business intelligence and every other business function you can... More

Infor Delivers PoD to iPhone (Enterprise Times)

How many delivery drivers have iPhones? Actually it seems to be quite a lot. What is surprising is how many apps are in existence already to help delivery drivers with their job,... More

CES 2016: Why Voice Could Be the Key to Data-Enriched Watches (PSFK)

Although the smartwatch was introduced to the electronics world as early as 2001 with the IBM WatchPad, we’ve only been at the doorstep of its maturation for a few years now with... More

VR Will Soon Revolutionize How Football Players Train (Wired)

future NFL fans could put themselves themselves in the middle of a highlight reel as their favorite player or walk amongst their team as they leave the tunnel and head to the field... More

We’re Not in the Podcasting Renaissance. We’re in the Age of Discovery. (The Timbre)

The case for social media as a discovery tool isn’t clear-cut. Facebook and Twitter are the dominant promotional outlets for many podcasters. But the shows themselves—mostly lo... More

The Digital Data Revolution: Top 5 Storage Predictions for 2016 (Information Age)

3. Some organisations will understand but many will continue to be confused. Inadequate backup and archive strategies will still be commonplace. And who can blame them? Old school ... More

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